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MMP Graduation
Medical Physics Masters students receive degrees
Computational Modelling Postdoctoral Opening
1+1 years, starting February-March 2018
Science, Technology and Innovation
Science, Technology and Innovation
Between quartz and glass
To put pressure on minerals unveils Earth’s inner structure
Mathematics Opportunity
ICTP mathematics outreach to developing countries
Become an ICTP Associate
Visiting scheme helps scientists maintain ICTP connection
The Ramanujan Prize
2018 Ramanujan Prize nominations
Helen Quinn (ICTP Photo Archives/Roberto Barnaba)
Actively learning to think like scientists
High Energy, Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
UNESCO DIrector-General Audrey Azoulay (photo courtesy of UNESCO)
Audrey Azoulay is second woman to hold position
Latin America Day at ICTP
Centre hosts 18-country delegation for informational visit
Helen Quinn ( ICTP Photo Archives/Massimo Silvano)
Colloquium Nov. 22 at 16:30
Photo by IISD/ENB | Mike Muzurakis
ICTP scientist working on IPCC climate change report
Earth System Physics