From regional climate modelling to seismic studies of the central Mediterranean, a number of research topics related to geosciences will be presented by ICTP's Earth System Physics (ESP) section's scientists at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018.
The annual, week-long meeting, held in Vienna from 8 to 13 April, attracts geoscientists from around the world, giving them the opportunity to share their ideas and network. A particular highlight of the meeting for ICTP will be the EGU's award ceremony for its Alexander von Humboldt Medal 2018, which will be presented to ESP section head Filippo Giorgi (see related story). Giorgi will be recognised for his outstanding research on modelling regional climate change focusing on developing countries, including effective outreach in terms of joint education programmes and institution building. The ceremony, which will take place on Thursday 12 April from 12:15 to 13:15, will be livestreamed.
ICTP sessions at the EGU General Assembly 2018 include the following:
- Mon, 09 Apr
Tropical-Extratropical Variability and Teleconnections: past, present and future
Convener: Fred Kucharski; Co-Conveners: Cheng Sun, Joke Lübbecke, Feng Shi, Belen Rodríguez de Fonseca, Teresa Losada, Irene Pol , Elsa Mohino
Orals: 10:30–11:45, 13:30–17:00
Posters: 17:30–19:00
- Mon, 09 Apr, 16:45–17:00
Role of entrainment on the clustering of cumulus convection
Adrian Tompkins and Addisu Semie - Mon, 09 Apr, 17:30–19:00
Ekman Pumping Mechanism Driving Precipitation Anomalies in Response to Equatorial Heating
Fred Kucharski and Mostafa Essam Abdelrahman Hamouda - Mon, 09 Apr, 17:30–19:00
On the importance of wind stress location in driving Pacific Subtropical cells and tropical climate
Giorgio Graffino, Riccardo Farneti, and Fred Kucharski - Wed, 11 Apr, 10:52–10:54
Relative contributions of model parameter setting, driving climate and initial condition errors to uncertainty in malaria simulations in the highlands of Kenya
Adrian Tompkins and Madeleine Thomson - Thu, 12 Apr, 12:15–13:15
Alexander von Humboldt Medal 2018 Lecture: A hydroclimatically (hyper-)stressed future for planet Earth? A central challenge for developing countries.
Filippo Giorgi - Thu, 12 Apr, 13:30–13:45
A first-of-its-kind multi-model convection permitting ensemble for investigating convective phenomena over Europe and the Mediterranean
Stefan Sobolowski and Erika Coppola and the FPS Convection team - Thu, 12 Apr, 14:30–14:45
Three-dimensional shear-wave velocity structure beneath the Tyrrhenian basin using seismic ambient noise
Daniel Manu-Marfo, Abdelkrim Aoudia, Surya Pachhai, and Radia Kherchouche - Thu, 12 Apr
Downscaling: methods and applications
Convener: Douglas Maraun; Co-Conveners: Erika Coppola, Sabine
Radanovics, Marlis Hofer
Orals: 15:30–17:00
Posters: 17:30–19:00 - Thu, 12 Apr
Convection-permitting atmospheric modelling
Convener: Edmund Meredith; Co-Conveners: Andreas F. Prein, Marie Piazza, Steven C. Chan, Erika Coppola, Heimo Truhetz
Orals: 13:30–15:00
Posters: 17:30–19:00
- Fri, 13 Apr
Regional climate modeling, including CORDEX
Convener: Filippo Giorgi; Co-Conveners: Raymond Arritt, Ivan Guettler
Orals: Fri, 13 Apr, 10:30–12:00; 13:30–17:00
Posters: Fri, 13 Apr, 17:30–19:00 - Fri, 13 Apr
Subseasonal-to-Seasonal (S2S) Prediction: meteorology and impacts
Convener: Francesca Di Giuseppe; Co-Conveners: Adrian Tompkins, Frederic Vitart, Angel Munoz, Daniela Domeisen, Peter Hitchcock, Andrew Charlton-Perez, Fredrik Wetterhall
Orals: Fri, 13 Apr, 13:30–17:00
Posters: Fri, 13 Apr, 17:30–19:00