
Affiliated Centres

Linking institutes in developing countries to ICTP programmes


Affiliated Centres map

ICTP Affiliated Centres are institutes or university departments in developing countries with which ICTP has established a formal collaboration. 

The precise form of the collaboration may vary depending on the specific needs of the Affiliated Centre. It may focus on research, training, or a combination of both. The idea is to encourage the Affiliated Centres to make use of as many ICTP programmes as possible in order to have maximum impact in research or training in the region.

In particular, postgraduate programmes as well as PhD and early career scientists may be supported, and they may also be enrolled in the ICTP/IAEA Sandwich Training Education Programme (STEP) and ICTP's Associate Programme, respectively. This means that Affiliated Centre scientists would have the possibility to visit ICTP for extended periods, and collaborate with their ICTP co-supervisors and collaborators. The Affiliated Centres therefore offer a point of focus for a number of different ICTP programmes which will work in unison. The Affiliated Centre may also benefit exclusively from a master's degree programme in mathematics that ICTP's Mathematics section has established jointly with COMSATS University Islamabad in Pakistan.