
Research Networks

ICTP encourages science networking in the developing world


ICTP Research Networks map: Brazil, Ghana, Nepal, Romania and South Korea

ICTP supports research networks in disadvantaged countries, systems of research groups in an entire region, or among different regions, that pursue common scientific projects over an extended period. The network programme represents an efficient approach to overcoming the problem of isolation and counteracting the "brain-drain" of scientists in disadvantaged countries.

Scientific network projects supported by ICTP are proposed by institutes or individuals with common scientific interests who agree upon a well defined joint project that emphasises collaboration and the sharing of expertise and facilities.

The proposer of the network is expected to act as co-ordinator and his/her institution as headquarters. A network may organise seminars or workshops, arrange for visiting scientists and maintain joint links with the rest of the international scientific community.

ICTP contributes towards the travel expenses of scientists who belong to the network to visit other member Institutes. Grants can be offered to young scientists to work for extended periods at institutes that are part of the network.


A network project proposal should include:

  • A detailed scientific and financial plan for six months;
  • The list of member institutions/individuals;
  • A description of the facilities of the member institutions that will be involved in the network;
  • A justification for the proposed network;
  • The commitment of the member institutions to contribute substantially to the expenses of the project, in particular, to offer hospitality and local services.

Requirements and Type of Support Offered

The ICTP support towards a network is offered under the same criteria as other EAU programmes, namely:

  • Scientific validity of the research project;
  • Relevance of the project to the needs and culture of the region;
  • Evidence of commitment from local authorities.

Reports and Renewal

A network project is approved for six months.

At the end of the period, the co-ordinator is required to submit a scientific report and a financial breakdown of expenses. Network projects are renewable.

There is no deadline for the submission of proposals.

Submission of Applications

All enquiries and proposals should be submitted to the External Activities Unit through email:


Networks supported between 2020-2025:

  • Network LAGO (Latin American Giant Observatory), Argentina
  • Latin American Association for High Energy, Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics Network, Brazil
  • TinyML Academic Network, Brazil
  • Colombian Network on High Energy Physics, Colombia
  • Latin American and Caribbean Network on Quantum Mechanics, Particles and Fields, Cuba
  • Atomistic Simulations, Electronic Structure, Computational Materials Science and Applications: the African Network (ASESMANET), Ghana
  • Artificial Intelligence of Things for Low Power Wide Area Networks, India
  • Network on Black holes, Supergravity, Strings and Integrable Systems, Islamic Republic of Iran
  • Network on Electronic, Magnetic and Superconducting properties of noval 2 D heterostructure materials including graphene/MoS2, Nepal
  • APCTP-PCS Asian Network on Condensed Matter, Complex Systems and Statistical Physics, Philippines
  • SouthEastern European Network of Mathematical and Theoretical Physics (SEENET-MTP), Romania
  • Network on Theoretical Astrophysics, Gravitation and Cosmology, Uzbekistan