ICTP is now accepting nominations for young researchers from developing countries for the 2018 ICTP Prize.
The prize recognizes outstanding and original contributions to physics by researchers under 40 and includes a sculpture, a certificate, and a cash prize. Past winners include Ashoke Sen (1989), the Indian theoretical physicist who was awarded the 2012 Fundamental Physics Prize, and ICTP Director Fernando Quevedo (1998).
The deadline for nominations is 30 September 2018. Completed nominations--which must include a signed and dated cover letter--can be submitted in one of the following ways:
- by email to ictpprize2018@ictp.it
- by regular mail to: ICTP Prize 2018 , ICTP Director's Office, Strada Costiera 11, I-34151 Trieste, Italy
Please see more details about nominating a candidate, as well as the complete list of past ICTP Prize winners and their award citations.