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Front of a glacier. Credits: Anna Lombardi
Winter heat waves endangering alpine glaciers
Upcoming Colloquium July 19
Claudio Bunster to speak today
In Memoriam
Mathematician Maryam Mirzakhani
Trieste is the ESOF City of Science 2020
Pan-European conference coming to Trieste
ICTP Prize seeks nominations
ICTP Prize 2017
Colloquium Open to the Public
Joint ICTP-SISSA conference welcomes Nobel Laureate Linda Buck
Climate Connections
Nature paper on unexpected Atlantic and Pacific link
ICTP Alumni Among ICM Speakers
International Congress of Mathematicians 2018 Speakers Announced
Elias Burstein, the man in the background wearing a light blue shirt and applauding, at an ICTP symposium honoring Stig Lundqvist (left), a former chair of ICTP's Scientific Council, here receiving congratulations from ICTP founder Abdus Salam
Elias Burstein
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
Teyrungumu Torres, a member of Colombia's indigenous Arhuaco community, attended an ICTP conference
To ICTP visitor, physics is a bridge between cultures
High Energy, Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
ICTP alumnus Stephane Kenmoe promoting science on Cameroonian television
ICTP alumnus success in science and science communication
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
ICTP mathematicians recently taught a two-week course in Saint-Louis, Senegal
Mathematicians teaching in Senegal