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ICO-ICTP Prize Ceremony 2023
ICO/ICTP Prize Ceremony Today
women in science
ICTP event to celebrate International Day for Women and Girls in Science
Ramanujan Prize 2022
African mathematician honoured for his research and outreach activities
Spirit Salam 2023 winners
Three recipients honoured for dedication to Abdus Salam's vision
Michele Parrinello to speak 30 January
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
ICTP science portal
Welcome to ICTP's dynamic, interactive site!
Sandu Popescu
Sandu Popescu to speak on fundamental aspects of quantum physics
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
Walter Kohn Prize Ceremony 2023
Debashree Ghosh honored on 12 January at ICTP
Salam Award
Nomination deadline extended to 21 January 2023
ictp prize
Two Iranian cosmologists honoured
High Energy, Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
Research excellence
ICTP's climate scientist Filippo Giorgi among the world’s most highly cited researchers
Earth System Physics