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Nelson Mandela on the occasion of the Houphouët-Boigny Prize awarding ceremony on 3 February 1992 (copyright: Dominique Roger/UNESCO)
Was Goodwill Ambassador for UNESCO, a sponsor of ICTP
Source: Credit: Joe King
Statistical physics sheds light on shadow banking activity
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
Showcasing Invention, Creativity and Resourcefulness
Trieste Mini Maker Faire at ICTP in 2014
Science, Technology and Innovation
Centre's work featured on science development website
ICTP Director Fernando Quevedo at the 2012-2013 graduation ceremony
Completed applications due by 31 December 2013
Mathematics Postdoc Positions at ICTP
Postdoctoral fellowships starting September 2014 for outstanding young mathematicians
Mathematics Research Fellowships at ICTP starting September 2014
Fellowships for outstanding mathematicians from developing countries
Ramanujan Prize
2014 Ramanujan Prize
Paolo Budinich (left) and Abdus Salam inspect a model of the ICTP main building in 1964
ICTP co-founder Paolo Budinich
The ICTP Prize
This year's prize honours neutrino, energy research
High Energy, Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
Fundamental Physics Prize Foundation
ICTP Diploma Programme alumnus, Dirac Medallists among this year's Fundamental Physics…
High Energy, Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
In Memoriam: Markus Büttiker
18 July 1950 - 4 October 2013
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics