The Quantum Espresso Foundation, which fosters and supports the development and free dissemination of high-performance, open-source scientific software for quantum numerical modeling of materials, has established the Quantum Espresso prize in collaboration with Eurotech (an international company providing computing solutions). The prize will recognize outstanding doctoral thesis research in the field of quantum mechanical materials modeling, realized with the help of the Quantum Espresso suite of computer codes. The winners will be awarded a certificate and a check for 1000 euros.
The inaugural prize will be awarded at the XVII International workshop on Computational Physics and Materials Science: Total Energy and Force Methods, which will be held at ICTP from 15 to 17 January 2015.
Nominations and self-nominations will be accepted from recent PhDs from all over the world. The deadline for submission of nominations for the 2015 prize is 31 October 2014. Thesis defended in the period 1 November 2013 to 31 October 2014 will qualify for the nomination. The nomination package must include: copy of the doctoral thesis, a nomination letter and at least two (and no more than four) supporting letters. A PDF copy of the package should be sent to prize@quantum-espresso.org.
More information about the Quantum Espresso Foundation is available on the foundation website.
ICTP's representative to the foundation is Sandro Scandolo, research scientist in the Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics section.