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A screen shot from the OpenEyA software
Support promotes e-learning in the developing world
Science, Technology and Innovation
The Billy Riordan Memorial Clinic, Malawi (above) and Adrian Tomkins running the Trieste Marathon.
ICTP researcher runs for charity
Earth System Physics
Science, Technology and Innovation
ICTP Director Fernando Quevedo receives a membership certificate from the ITU Secretary General Hamadoun Touré in Geneva
ICTP, International Telecommunication Union strengthen ties
Science, Technology and Innovation
Anton Kashcheyev, CERES fellow from Ukraine
New ionosphere sensing technique being implemented in Africa
Science, Technology and Innovation
ESP sectionn head Filippo Giorgi (top) and scientist Claudio Piani at the EGU 2011 General Assembly.
ICTP presence at European Geosciences Union conference
Earth System Physics
Science, Technology and Innovation
 Mario Maniewicz and Hamadoun I. Touré of ITU, and Fernando Quevedo and Sandro M. Radicella of ICTP collaborated to make the wireless workshops possible.
Wireless sensors offer affordable environmental monitoring options
Science, Technology and Innovation
ANSOLE's new logo. Image Credit: ANSOLE
ICTP supports new African solar energy network
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
Science, Technology and Innovation
ICO/ICTP award winners Ivan Moreno (left) and Ryan Barrido Balili
Filipino, Mexican physicists share this year's prize
Science, Technology and Innovation
Joseph Niemela, Vasudeva Lakshminarayanan and Zohra Ben Lakhdar showing the 2011 SPIE Educator Award certificates, which were awarded during ICTP's Winter College on optics in imaging science in February 2011.
ICTP in winning collaboration to improve optics education in developing world
Science, Technology and Innovation
Guglielmo Marconi laboratory inaugurated
ICTP campus houses the wireless laboratory
Science, Technology and Innovation
ICTP details programme of joint activities with Jordan facility
Science, Technology and Innovation
College on Medical Physics participants
Outstanding participants earn top honours
Science, Technology and Innovation