Sandro Scandolo

Permanent Scientific Staff
Senior Research Scientist and Senior Coordinator, Research and Partnerships
Sandro Scandolo
+39 040 2240 209
+39 040 2240 209
Senior Coordinator of the ICTP Research Division and member of the CMSP Section. Main area of research: computational modeling of materials at extreme conditions of pressure and temperature

He holds a PhD in Physics from the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa, Italy. He was Professor of Condensed Matter Physics at the International School for Advanced Studies in Trieste, Italy, until 2002, and Visiting Research Staff at Princeton University between 2000 and 2002. In 2002 he moved to the ICTP as Senior Scientist in the Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics section. He is an expert in the computational modeling of materials at extreme conditions of pressure and temperature and he is one of the co-founders of the Quantum-Espresso project for the modelling of materials at the nanoscale. His papers have been cited more than 30,000 times (Google Scholar). He has organised more than 40 conferences and workshops and supervised more than 40 postgraduate and PhD students. He is a member of the editorial board of High-Pressure Research, of the scientific advisory board of Psi-k, and of the executive board of the “Lightsources for Americas, Asia, Africa, Middle-East, and Pacific” (LAAAMP) project. He is the Deputy Secretary General of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) and Vice-President of the Trieste International Foundation. He was elected Fellow of the American Physical Society in 2016.  


Thomas Thévenet | Axel Dian | Alexis Markovits | Sandro Scandolo | Arthur France-Lanord | Flavio Siro Brigiano
Journal article
Physical Review B (2024)
M.-B. Attaiaa | M. Micoulaut | S. Klotz | S. Scandolo
Journal article
Geophysical Research Letters (2024)
Zhi Li | Sandro Scandolo
Journal article
Physical Review B (2024)
Zhi Li | Sandro Scandolo
Journal article
The Journal of Chemical Physics (2022)
Ciprian G. Pruteanu | Victor Naden Robinson | Ali Hassanali | Sandro Scandolo | John S. Loveday | Graeme J. Ackland
Journal article
Applied Physics Letters (2021)
Sandro Scandolo
Journal article
Physical Review B (2021)
Sandro Scandolo
Journal article
Nature Physics (2021)
Sandro Scandolo
Journal article
Physical Review Letters (2020)
Sandro Scandolo
Journal article
Physical Review Materials (2020)
Simon Ayrinhac | Victor Naden Robinson | Frédéric Decremps | Michel Gauthier | Daniele Antonangeli | Sandro Scandolo | Marc Morand
Journal article
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (2020)
Sandro Scandolo
Journal article
Physical Review B (2019)
Scandolo, Sandro | Mauri, Francesco | Calandra, Matteo | Errea, Ion | Biswas, Sananda
Journal article
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2019)
Scandolo, Sandro
Journal article
Physical Review B (2018)
Montoya, Javier A. | Scandolo, Sandro | Biswas, Sananda | Cogollo-Olivo, Beatriz H.
Journal article
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2018)
Seriani, Nicola | Scandolo, Sandro | Amolo, George | Makau, Nicholas | Meng'wa, Victor
Journal article
Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations and Advances (2018)
Scandolo, Sandro | Mtingwa, Sekazi K. | Zema, Michele
Journal article
MRS Advances (2018)
Scandolo, Sandro | Martin, Richard | Joubert, Daniel | Hassanali, Ali | Chetty, Nithaya | Amolo, George
Journal article
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2017)
Scandolo, Sandro | Miranda, Caetano R. | Liu, Changsong | Liang, Yunfeng | Wu, Xuebang | Liu, Wei
Journal article
Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society (2017)
Scandolo, Sandro
Journal article
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2017)
Seriani, Nicola | Scandolo, Sandro | Amolo, George | Makau, Nicholas | Meng'wa, Victor
Journal article
Physica Status Solidi (B) (2017)
Scandolo, Sandro | Pinilla, Carlos | Seriani, Nicola
Journal article
Computational Materials Science (2017)
Scandolo, S. | Seriani, N. | Acuna-Rojas, M. | Pinilla, C.
Journal article
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (2016)
Righini, Roberto | Bini, Roberto | Scandolo, Sandro | Citroni, Margherita | Fanetti, Samuele | Pagliai, Marco | Lapini, Andrea
Journal article
High Pressure Research (2015)
Scandolo, Sandro | Adhikari, Narayan Prasad | Pantha, Nurapati
Journal article
Physical Review B (2015)
Scandolo, Sandro | Miranda, Caetano R. | Liang, Yunfeng
Journal article
High Pressure Research (2014)
Scandolo, S. | Raji, A. T.
Journal article
Solid State Communications (2014)
Amolo, G. O. | Makau, N. W. | Scandolo, S. | Nyawere, P. W. O.
Journal article
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2014)
Tosatti, Erio | Scandolo, Sandro | Fabrizio, Michele | Crespo, Yanier
Journal article
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (2014)
Bini, Roberto | Righini, Roberto | Scandolo, Sandro | Lapini, Andrea | Citroni, Margherita | Pagliai, Marco | Fanetti, Samuele

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