Marcello Dalmonte received his phD at the University of Bologna in 2011, for work done under the supervision of Elisa Ercolessi. From 2011 to 2016, he worked as a junior, later senior research scientist in the group of Peter Zoller at the University of Innsbruck and Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information. He joined ICTP in 2016, first as a Boltzmann fellow, and as a staff member since 2017.
His main scientific interests are cross-disciplinary, and include: (1) understanding the role of quantum resources - e.g., entanglement and magic - in strongly correlated systems, developing protocols to diagnose their presence under realistic experimental conditions, and formulate computational methods to measure them in simulations; (2) develop methods and protocols for attacking particle physics problems, and in particular gauge theories, utilizing quantum computers and quantum simulators; (3) unravel classical and quantum many-body phenomena from a network- and data-science viewpoint; and (4) explore new horizon of synthetic quantum matter in relation to topological matter and gauge theories.
He is Editor at SciPost, and was elected outstanding Referee by the American Physical Society in 2017. He has been been advisor of 7 phd students at SISSA, 16 ICTP diploma students, 2 MHPC students, and 5 master students in physics at several Italian universities. His work has been/is supported by several funding agencies, including the ERC (Starting and Consolidator Grants), EU programmes (Quantera [Dynamite] and quantum Flagship [Pasquans, Pasquans2] programmes), and the Italian minister of Education (FARE grant [MEPH] and PNRR-NQSTI).
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