Cyril Caminade

Postdoctoral Fellows
Senior Postdoctoral Fellow
Cyril Caminade
+39 040 2240 879
Research scientist working on climate change impacts on health

Cyril is originally trained as an applied physicist & climatologist. He obtained his PhD about climate variability in Sub-Saharan Africa at CERFACS and at the Université Paul Sabatier in Toulouse in 2006.

From 2008 to 2021, Cyril worked as a research assistant at the University of Liverpool, UK. He collaborated with biologists, statisticians, veterinarians, clinicians, climatologists, public health experts and data scientists to study the impact of climate variability and climate change on key vector-borne diseases (malaria, dengue, Zika, Rift Valley Fever, plague, bluetongue, fascioliasis and haemonchosis). Cyril also worked on assessing the risk posed by invasive vector species such as the Asian tiger mosquito or Ixodes ticks. Cyril is a multidisciplinary scientist with broad scientific interests and he has worked on both human and animal health issues. He was invited to give keynote presentations at several prestigious institutions (Academie de Medecine, College de France), he reviewed articles for > 50 different scientific journals and research proposals for several funding bodies (ANR, NERC, Wellcome Trust, Medical Research Fundation...). His research work has been mentioned in the mainstream media (Washington Post, Scientific American, Daily mail, Der Spiegel, Corriere della Serra, BBC World, Times of India...) and is cited in several important reports (WHO, UKHSA, IPCC, World Bank...). He also contributes to several UN activities (IGF-PNE, IGF-DCE, UNECA-ACPC, UNEP-CODES...).

Cyril is now modeling the efficiency of vector control measures (Sterile Insect Technique) at the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics in collaboration with colleagues at IAEA.


Book chapter
Principles of One Health for a better planet (2024)
Barry J. McMahon | Cyril Caminade | Daniele de Meneghi | Caoimhe Doyle | Julie Garnier | Martin Hitziger | Hans Keune | Richard Kock | Claire Martin | Grace Patterson | K. Marie McIntyre
Journal article
Journal of The Royal Society Interface (2024)
Miguel Garrido Zornoza | Cyril Caminade | Adrian M. Tompkins
Book chapter
Climate Change and Global Health (2024)
Colin D. Butler, | Cyril Caminade | Andrew P. Morse
Journal article
PLOS ONE (2024)
Joshua Talib | James Colborn | Abayomi A. Abatan | Remy HoekSpaans | Edmund I. Yamba | Temitope S. Egbebiyi | Cyril Caminade | Anne Jones | Cathryn E. Birch | Oladapo M. Olagbegi | Andrew P. Morse
Journal article
Infectious Diseases of Poverty (2024)
Judicaël OBAME-NKOGHE | Adjoavi Esse Agossou | Gerald Mboowa | Basile Kamgang | Cyril Caminade | Dawn C. Duke | Andrew Karanja Githeko | Obed M. Ogega | Nestor Engone Elloué | Fatou Bintou Sarr | Dieudonné Nkoghe ...
Journal article
Scientific Reports (2024)
Alizée Chemison | Gilles Ramstein | Anne Jones | Andy Morse | Cyril Caminade
Journal article
Parasites & Vectors (2024)
Elena Arsevska | Tomislav Hengl | David A. Singleton | Peter-John M. Noble | Cyril Caminade | Obiora A. Eneanya | Philip H. Jones | Jolyon M. Medlock | Kayleigh M. Hansford | Carmelo Bonannella | Alan D. Radford
Journal article
Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease (2023)
Samson Wakuma Abaya | Seid Tiku Mereta | Fikirte Demissie Tulu | Zeleke Mekonnen | Mio Ayana | Musse Girma | Hannah Rose Vineer | Siobhan M. Mor | Cyril Caminade | John Graham-Brown
Journal article
Veterinary Record (2023)
Alison Howell | Cyril Caminade | Franz Brülisauer | Sian Mitchell | Diana Williams
Journal article
Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease (2023)
Seid Tiku Mereta | Samson Wakuma Abaya | Fikirte Demissie Tulu | Kebede Takele | Mahmud Ahmednur | Girma Alemu Melka | Mark Nanyingi | Hannah Rose Vineer | John Graham-Brown | Cyril Caminade | Siobhan M. Mor
Journal article
Weather, Climate, and Society (2022)
Ibrahima Diouf | Roberto Suárez-Moreno | Belen Rodríguez-Fonseca | Cyril Caminade | Malick Wade | Wassila M. Thiaw | Abdoulaye Deme | Andrew P. Morse | Jaques-André Ndione | Amadou T. Gaye | Anta Diaw | Marie Khemesse Ngom Ndiaye
Journal article
Earth System Dynamics (2022)
Alizée Chemison | Dimitri Defrance | Gilles Ramstein | Cyril Caminade
Book chapter
Climate, ticks and disease (2021)
Cyril Caminade
Journal article
Weather, Climate, and Society (2021)
Cyril Caminade
Journal article
One Health (2021)
Soeren Metelmann | Karan Pattni | Liam Brierley | Lisa Cavalerie | Cyril Caminade | Marcus S.C. Blagrove | Joanne Turner | Kieran J. Sharkey | Matthew Baylis
Journal article
PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases (2021)
Soeren Metelmann | Xiaobo Liu | Liang Lu | Cyril Caminade | Keke Liu | Lina Cao | Jolyon M. Medlock | Matthew Baylis | Andrew P. Morse | Qiyong Liu | Kate Zinszer
Journal article
Nature Communications (2021)
Chemison, A. | Ramstein, G. | Tompkins, A.M. | Defrance, D. | Camus, G. | Charra, M. | Caminade, C.
Journal article
The Lancet Planetary Health (2021)
Colón-González, F.J. | Sewe, M.O. | Tompkins, A.M. | Sjödin, H. | Casallas, A. | Rocklöv, J. | Caminade, C. | Lowe, R.
Journal article
Parasites & Vectors (2020)
Joshua Longbottom | Cyril Caminade | Harry S. Gibson | Daniel J. Weiss | Steve Torr | Jennifer S. Lord
Journal article
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (2020)
Marcus S. C. Blagrove | Cyril Caminade | Peter J. Diggle | Edward I. Patterson | Ken Sherlock | Gail E. Chapman | Jenny Hesson | Soeren Metelmann | Philip J. McCall | Gareth Lycett | Jolyon Medlock | Grant L. Hughes ...
Journal article
The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (2020)
Ibrahima Diouf | Belén Rodriguez Fonseca | Cyril Caminade | Wassila M. Thiaw | Abdoulaye Deme | Andrew P. Morse | Jacques-André Ndione | Amadou Thierno Gaye | Anta Diaw | Marie Khemesse Ngom Ndiaye
Journal article
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (2019)
Cyril Caminade | K. Marie McIntyre | Anne E. Jones
Journal article
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (2019)
Cyril Caminade | K. Marie McIntyre | Anne E. Jones
Journal article
Journal of Climate (2019)
David MacLeod | Cyril Caminade
Journal article
Epidemiology and Infection (2019)
Satya Ganesh Kakarla | Cyril Caminade | Srinivasa Rao Mutheneni | Andrew P Morse | Suryanaryana Murty Upadhyayula | Madhusudhan Rao Kadiri | Sriram Kumaraswamy
Journal article
Insects (2019)
Emily L. Pascoe | Matteo Marcantonio | Cyril Caminade | Janet E. Foley
Journal article
Scientific Reports (2019)
Turner, J. | Jones, A.E. | Heath, A.E. | Wardeh, M. | Caminade, C. | Kluiters, G. | Bowers, R.G. | Morse, A.P. | Baylis, M.
Journal article
Environmental Research Letters (2019)
Katharina Kreppel | Cyril Caminade | Nicodem Govella | Andrew P Morse | Heather M Ferguson | Matthew Baylis
Journal article
Journal of The Royal Society Interface (2019)
S. Metelmann | C. Caminade | A. E. Jones | J. M. Medlock | M. Baylis | A. P. Morse

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