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Francis Allotey, a guiding light for science in Africa
Ghanaian Francis Allotey featured on CNN
Mathematician John Nash at ICTP's 40th anniversary celebration (ICTP Photo Archives/Massimo Silvano)
John F. Nash Jr. and Louis Nirenberg share the Abel Prize
Trieste Origins Unearthed
Team led by ICTP researchers discovers archaeological site most likely to be 2nd century BC Trieste
Science, Technology and Innovation
TWAS-Lenovo Science Prize Nominations
The 2015 prize to reccognise mathematicians
A 'Smart' Fish Farm in Thailand. Photo Credit Apinun Tunpan
ICTP workshop to highlight immense potential of Internet of Things for science and development
Science, Technology and Innovation
For Better Science Communication
ICTP, Trieste institutes offer masterclasses in science communication
High-Tech Opportunity
Apply to ICTP/SISSA Master in High Performance Computing programme
Rohini Godbole (l), Patchanita Thamyongkit
Nature article profiles three leading women researchers with ties to ICTP
Ambrosia artemisiifolia (Image credit: Dendroica cerulea)
Changing environment is increasing ragweed pollen concentrations and allergy cases in Europe
Earth System Physics
Rajan Jha (l) with Rim Cherif
Two optics researchers share the 2015 ICO/ICTP Gallieno Denardo Prize
Science, Technology and Innovation
Profiles - Simons Associates
Six Simons Associates share their thoughts on ICTP's associateship scheme and how it helps…
Milky Way Arch by Bruno Gilli/ESO - Licensed under CC BY 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons
New paper by ICTP-SAIFR researcher suggests that Milky Way core is rich in dark matter
High Energy, Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics