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Display of a proton-proton collision event recorded by ATLAS on 3 June 2015, with the first LHC stable beams at a collision energy of 13 TeV
CERN's LHC begins new run with higher collision energy
High Energy, Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
Molo Audace, Trieste (photo: G. Crozzoli)
PhD scholarships available; 30 July deadline
A Matter of (in)Breeding
Statistical physicists solve historic genetics problem
Quantitative Life Sciences
Yasser Roudi
Prestigious Award for ICTP Associate
Quantitative Life Sciences
Daniel Akyeampong
Daniel Akyeampong
John Nash (ICTP Photo Archives/Massimo Silvano)
John Nash
Quantitative Life Sciences
Ragweed Pollen under an Electron Microscope. Image Courtesy of Carolina Biological Supply Company
ICTP co-authors on Nature Climate Change pollen study
Image credit: Gonville & Caius College.
Sir Samuel Frederick Edwards FRS, 1928-2015
Visitors at the Trieste Mini Maker Faire
Over 16,000 visitors flock to the two-day Maker event held at ICTP
Trieste Mini Maker Faire 2015
Free, public event at ICTP 9 and 10 May
A figure from Nature Communications paper published by ICTP scientist Vladimir Kravtsov and colleagues
Condensed matter research uniting two fields published in Nature Communications
Quantitative Life Sciences
New position available in Quantitative Life Sciences section