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Recent paper highlights unexpected connection between heat and biological activation of enzymes
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
Gross and Parisi
ICTP, SISSA to host public dialogue featuring Physics Nobel Laureates David Gross and Giorgio Parisi
David Gross colloquium
Nobel Laureate to speak on "Fifty Years of Quantum Chromodynamics"
ICTP-INdAM Collaborative Grants and Research in Pairs
Alice Guionnet
Mathematician Alice Guionnet to speak on "Large Random Matrices and Beyond"
Section's annual meeting
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
African Union delegation with ICTP scientists
ICTP Hosts High-Level Science Delegation from the African Union
ICTP-Quantinuum Quantum Hackathon
ICTP-Quantinuum international quantum computing event wraps up with a prize-giving
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
Quantitative Life Sciences
FPPT-10 Conference
ICTP supports Kathmandu conference on plasma physics
ICTP Head Librarian Eva Babonich (right) and colleague Dora Tirana preparing a shipment of book donations.
From information transfer to knowledge exchange
ICTP, University of Rwanda renew agreement of partner institute
ICTP-Quantinuum Quantum Hackathon
International teams join the week-long ICTP-Quantinuum coding event
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
Quantitative Life Sciences