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Researchers' Night 2013
ICTP among Trieste research institutes at public science events this weekend
The 2013 Italian Physical Society Congress in Trieste
Several ICTP scientists actively involved in this year's Congress
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
Science, Technology and Innovation
ICTP Senior Associate Pius Mpiana Tshimankinda
ICTP Senior Associate discusses his advances toward treating SCD
Sample of 15 teeth Zanolli studied for his graduate thesis.
ICTP postdoctoral paleoanthropologist Clément Zanolli peers underneath the enamel of fossilized…
Image of online lecture.
ICTP's online Diploma lectures enjoying international success
Carlo Franzinetti (left) and Bruno Pontecorvo (right)
ICTP helps fund production of documentary on physicist's legacy
Students at workshop in Nigeria. Image source: A World of Science
ICTP participates in science and engineering fair hosted at the University of Nigeria
Meral Tosun
ICTP Associate Meral Tosun urges female scientists to stand strong through career challenges
Image of the Sentinel Mission that is developed by the European Space Agency. Image credit: ESA
ICTP hosts conference to build InSAR community of scientists in developing countries
Earth System Physics
Helen Quinn
How Helen Quinn overcame 1950s social mores to achieve scientific success
Career Development Workshop for Women in Physics
ICTP hosts Career Development Workshop for Women in Physics
Zohra Ben Lakhdar (photo: Micheline Pelletier/Gamma)
ICTP associate and physics professor Zohra Ben Lakhdar shares her thoughts on being a woman in a…