ICTP and the International Commission for Optics (ICO) have
announced the recipients of their 2014 ICO/ICTP Gallieno Denardo
Award. This year's award recognizes the work of two optics
researchers from Latin America, and were announced at the Centre's
annual Winter College on Optics.
Maria Florencia Pascual Winter (CONICET and Instituto
Balseiro, Bariloche, Argentina) investigates the use of light
to store and transfer information in a way that could supercharge
the processing speed of computers. Her work relates to the
field of quantum computing, which seeks to rely on the power of
atoms and molecules (as opposed to today's silicon-based,
transistor computers) to perform memory and processing tasks.
A crucial challenge to light-based memory is how to stop and
retrieve the bits of information called quantum bits (qbits) in a
way that does not compromise their coherence. Pascual Winter
explains, "To get the q-bit to stay in memory we play with optical
and microwave tools that are tuned to different transitions between
electronic levels in the atoms that are in the memory, so we try to
figure out how to capture them and how to make them stay there and
then how to re-emit the information after the storage time."
Pascual Winter shares this year's prize with John Fredy Barrera
Ramírez (Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia) an ICTP
Junior Associate who is pursuing optical encryption research in
order to come up with ways to protect data. His work focusses on
the use of quick-response codes, or QR codes, the ubiquitous square
bar codes that are used for advertising and packaging and can be
read by smartphones. Barrera Ramírez is investigating how to
use the QR codes to transmit encrypted information.
"This type of encryption provides some important advantages over
standard data encryption techniques," says Barrera Ramírez. "For
one, it avoids the "noise" that pollutes the outcomes of standard
encryption techniques, and the codes are generated by free, widely
available software." Barrera Ramírez's work, which has been funded
in the past by The World Academy of Science (TWAS), was recently highlighted in that
organization's Annual Report.
Barrera Ramírez credits his association with both ICTP and TWAS as
crucial to his career development. "As an ICTP Junior Associate, I
can come to Trieste for one or two months and accomplish more than
I could do in a year back home, thanks to the resources and the
experts here," he says.
ICTP and the ICO established the award to recognize researchers
under 40 years of age from a developing country who have made
significant contributions to the field of optics.
The recipient receives a certificate, US $1,000, and an invitation
to participate in and deliver a lecture at an ICTP activity
relevant to optics.
The award is named in honour of Gallieno Denardo, who coordinated
optics activities at ICTP for more than twenty years.
For more details, please see the award web
During the awards ceremony, Anthony Johnson, a representative of the Optical Society of America, which has sponored the annual optics colleges, took the occasion to show OSA's appreciation of the long-standing partnership with ICTP by presenting the Centre with a plaque. "OSA is proud of its history of support to ICTP's colleges; the cooperation has been a distinct pleasure," said Johnson (pictured below with ICTP's Joe Niemela).