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Tropical geometry is the topic of an upcoming lecture by ICTP Mathematician Lothar Göttsche
Göttsche to give Bernoulli lecture on Tropical Geometry at EPFL
Soheyla Feyzbakhsh
Postgraduate diploma student accepted for PhD at top university
N'Datchoh Evelyne Toure. Source IGACnews
International publication highlights climate workshop, STEP student
Earth System Physics
From Job-seekers to Job-creators
Workshop imparts entrepreneurship skills to physicists and engineers from developing countries
Science, Technology and Innovation
ICTP to open a FabLab
ICTP 3D Printing Lab evolving into a "FabLab"
Science, Technology and Innovation
Master's in High Performance Computing
Applications now being accepted for Master in High Performance Computing
Update: International Year of Light
Patron sponsor for ICTP-coordinated event
Call for Nominations: 2014 TWAS-Lenovo Science Prize
The 2014 Prize is for researchers from the field of biological sciences.
Tesla Play at ICTP
Local school performance at ICTP highlights brilliant mind of Nikola Tesla
Update: Training courses in HPC at SISSA/ICTP
Free trial courses open to all
The deadline is expired and the selection is under way. The candidates selected will be informed as…
The selection has been finalized and the candidates selected have been informed.