Alok Sagar Gautam, an ICTP Junior Associate in the Centre's Earth System Physics (ESP) section, is among 19 persons of Indian origin who will be awarded the Promising Indian Award 2018. The award is given each year by the Promising Indians' Society to recognise success in various fields and to create knowledge- sharing networks. Gautam's award, given in the science and technology category, recognizes his “outstanding contribution aimed to understand the ion-aerosol-rainfall interaction over Himalayan region, Uttarakhand India”.
Gautam is a scientist and professor at Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University (a Central University) in northern India. He is currently researching aspects of physical and chemical characteristics of aerosols and cloud dynamics. At ICTP, Gautam has been working with ICTP postdoctoral fellow Sushant Das to investigate trace gases and their sources along the Indo Gangatic plain.
"I am honored to receive this award," said Gautam, adding, "I dedicate this recognition first of all to my family, who supported me and accompanied me at every step, my colleagues in the Department of Physics at Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University, and to my valuable research time as a Junior Associate in ICTP's ESP Section."
Gautam will receive his award at a ceremony to be held by Promising Indian Society (http://www.promisingindians.com/) on 24 December 2018 in New Delhi.