The Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics (CMSP) section at ICTP conducts research on a wide range of theoretical condensed matter physics topics. These areas include nanostructures, many-body quantum systems at or far from equilibrium, and computer simulations of fluids and solids based on electronic structure and molecular dynamics methods. To bring together CMSP members working on these diverse topics, the section organized its yearly meeting at the Adriatico Guesthouse from 4 to 6 September 2024. During this event, PostDocs, PhD students, and visitors of the CMSP section presented their research activities. The primary goal of this three-day meeting was to facilitate knowledge-sharing about ongoing projects and to promote collaboration across different research areas within the section. Attendees participated in 20 presentations delivered by PostDocs, PhD students, and visitors. The meeting concluded with an excursion to the Grotta Gigante on Friday afternoon.