
New ICTP, Brazil Collaboration

Research agreement advances science and mathematics in Brazil
New ICTP, Brazil Collaboration
ICTP Director Atish Dabholkar poses with Luciana Santos, Brazil's Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, at the signing of a collaborative research agreement in the presence of Italian President Sergio Mattarella and Brazil President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (in background, from left to right)

Brazil's Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI) is set to tap into ICTP's expertise in climate modelling, scientific computing and other fields thanks to a new agreement that formalises cooperation between the two, opening doors to participation in ICTP programmes for the best talent in relevant fields from Brazil. 

At a signing ceremony in Brazil's capital, Brasilia, attended by Brazil President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and Italian President Sergio Mattarella, ICTP Director Atish Dabholkar and Luciana Santos, Brazil's Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, signed an agreement of scientific collaboration between Brazilian scientists and ICTP researchers at all levels.  In particular, both intend to share and develop expertise in climate modelling, energy and materials, applications of synchrotron radiation, scientific computing, artificial intelligence for science, and mathematics. 

Activities will include the development of specific collaborative projects between ICTP and selected MCTI centres, institutes, and laboratories, and the organisation of international scientific meetings in Brazil, co-organised and co-sponsored by ICTP and MCTI.    

"Challenges such as climate change or sustainable energy require a global approach. By sharing resources and bringing minds together, ICTP and Brazil are helping to build a sustainable future for all of humanity," said ICTP Director Atish Dabholkar at the signing.

Minister Santos commented, “I have no doubt that this memorandum is a milestone for our cooperation because we will be able to pool our experience, which is increasingly collective."

According to Minister Santos, this collaboration will pave the way for greater cooperation in research, education and training initiatives between Brazil and ICTP. “By pooling our collective experience, we can face the most pressing global challenges and unlock new frontiers of knowledge,” the Minister pointed out.

The agreement further strengthens ties between ICTP and Brazil. These include ICTP's partner institute in São Paulo, the ICTP-South American Institute for Fundamental Research (ICTP-SAIFR), created in 2010 and housed at the Instituto de Física Teórica of UNESP's Barra Funda campus, fostering the advancement of basic sciences in South American countries.

Since 1970, ICTP has supported the visits of more than 5,300 Brazilian scientists to its campus in Trieste, where they have attended conferences, schools and workshops, or stayed for longer visits as ICTP Associates or as students in the Sandwich Training and Education Programme.


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