The ICTP Associates Programme is celebrating its 60th Anniversary this year, an important milestone that will be marked by a three-day event taking place from 1 to 3 July 2024.
The Programme was started by ICTP founder Abdus Salam at the very inception of the Centre, and it allows researchers from developing countries to build and maintain networks of connections with other researchers, both at ICTP and elsewhere, by giving them the opportunity to regularly spend time at the Centre during their associateship. By offering a solution to the sense of isolation that scientists working in developing countries often experience, the Programme intends to fight brain drain.
As the celebrations are approaching, ICTP is releasing the video series “Science is Our Common Language”, featuring some of the current associates.
The fifth episode in the series is dedicated to ICTP Simons Associate Flávio Barbosa Justino, a climatologist and a professor at the Federal University of Viçosa, Brazil.. He investigates past, present and future climate changes, in the ocean-atmosphere interaction, as well as in the aspects of agriculture and food security that are related to climate.
Meet him in this new video:
Justino did his undergraduate and master’s studies in Brazil, first at the Federal University of Paraíba, where he received a bachelor's degree in meteorology, then at the University of São Paulo, where he received a master’s degree in oceanography. He moved to Germany to pursue a doctorate at the Leibniz-Institute of Marine Research, and then to Canada, to do a postdoc in atmospheric sciences at the University of Toronto. In 2020 he was awarded the Fulbright All Disciplines Award. Justino was a Regular Associate from 2009 to 2016, and a Senior Associate from 2018 to 2019, when he was selected to become a Simons Associate over the period from 2020 to 2025.
Meet the protagonists of previous episodes in the series “Science is Our Common Language”:
- Luis Foa Torres, a professor of physics at the University of Chile in Santiago, Chile
- Imrana Ashraf, professor at Quaid-i-Azam University in Islamabad, Pakistan
- Darwin Putungan, professor at the University of the Philippines Los Baños
- Wafaa Khater, associate professor and the dean of the faculty of science at Birzeit University, Palestine