Francesco Maggi of ICTP's Mathematics Section was the featured speaker at an ICTP Colloquium on 22 February in ICTP’s Budinich Lecture Hall, Leonardo Building.
The Colloquium was recorded and is now online.
In his talk, “Isoperimetric Theorems, Open Problems and New Results”, Maggi reviewed several isoperimetric theorems, pointing out some (more or less well-known) open problems, and then introduce some key results in the theory of quantitative isoperimetry.
Maggi works on variational problems and partial differential equations motivated by geometry and physics. He is contributing, in particular, to the development of a quantitative stability theory for geometric/functional inequalities, and for geometric rigidity theorems, as well as to the applications of this theory to minimization problems arising in capillarity theory and statistical mechanics, and to the asymptotic behavior of geometric flows and other diffusive partial differential equations.