ICTP's Earth System Physics section (ESP) is accepting applications for a post-doctoral position in regional climate modeling. The tasks for the position are:
1) Contribute to the completion and analysis of climate projections with
the ICTP model RegCM over different CORDEX domains
2) Contribute to the testing and development of the ICTP regional climate
model RegCM
3) Publish research through the peer-reviewed scientific literature
4) Supervise students and young visitors of the ESP section
The candidate should have a PhD in atmospheric science, geophysical science or related fields. He/she should have proven experience in regional climate modeling, preferably with the ICTP regional climate model RegCM. Knowledge of the land-surface package CLM4.5 is considered an added value.
To apply please access the link
and register as a new user (unless you are already registered) and then follow the instructions. If you have any questions, please contact espvacan@ictp.it.
The deadline for submissions is 20 June 2016.