It is with great sadness that the Mathematics Section of ICTP has learnt about the passing away of Professor Jorge Lewowicz on the 21 June 2014.
Jorge Lewowicz was born in Uruguay in 1937 and after completing his undergraduate studies went to Brown University to study for a PhD in Mathematics under the supervision mathematicians Mauricio Peixoto and Solomon Lefschetz. He then returned to work at the Universidad de la República in Montevideo where he remained continuously until his retirement, interrupted only by several years in exile in Venezuela during the time of the military dictatorship in Uruguay.
Lewowicz has been a member of the The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) since 2001 and in 2012 received a Doctorate Honoris Causa from the Universidad de la República. He was a regular visitor to ICTP, as a Workshop participant and as a Research Fellow, and was present more than a dozen times since his first visit in 1983. His research area was in Dynamical Systems where he pioneered the study of a class of systems called "Expansive Homeomorphisms". Partly thanks to his enthusiasm and energy, Uruguay now has a large world-class group of mathematicians in Dynamical Systems.