ICTP hosted the 2010 Ramanujan Prize ceremony on 10 May 2011, honouring the work of award recipient Yuguang Shi from the School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking University, China.
The prize recognizes Shi's "outstanding contributions to the geometry of complete (noncompact) Riemannian manifolds, specifically the positivity of quasi-local mass and rigidity of asymptotically hyperbolic manifolds."
It is also an acknowledgement of the substantial contribution that Shi has made to mathematics in China through over 15 years of teaching and research. He said that the level of interest in theoretical fields such as mathematics is growing in China and that he hopes Chinese researchers and ICTP forge stronger ties.
Shi said that ICTP is an excellent platform for researchers from all over the world to come together and share ideas and knowledge. He looks forward to collaborating with ICTP researchers in the future.
Immediately following the award ceremony, Shi gave a presentation on "Some Geometry Problems Related to General Relativity," based on his current research interest in differential geometry and its relation to general relativity.
Shi is the sixth recipient of the Ramanujan Prize, which was established in 2005. It is awarded annually to a young mathematician (under 45) from a developing country.
The prize is funded by the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters through the Abel Fund, with the cooperation of the International Mathematical Union (IMU).
IMU was represented by Manuel de Leon who spoke during the ceremony, as did ICTP director Fernando Quevedo.