+39 040 2240 360
Msc in Physics from University of Roma La Sapienza late in the XX century on LiDAR remote sensing, but wannabe ocean modeler, caught in atmospheric whirlwind and for necessity indentured as aprogrammer. Regained freedom as researcher in University of L'Aquila and later at CNR-Ibimet weather forecast Lab LaMMA in Firenze. Researcher at University of L'Aquila working on data assimilation into NWRP models. Shaken, raised the head to look farther in the future as climate model developer to hopefully settle the debate if a scientists should write better computer code. Member of Society of Research Software Engineering. Most of the actual scientific production linked to the ICTP Regional Climate Model, in which code has the authorization to introduce new features and correct the collateral bugs. Sometimes engaged in helping solve the problems of whoever knocks on the frame of the always open door.