ICTP's Salam Distinguished Lecture Series is an annual presentation of talks by renowned, active scientists. The aim is to showcase important research developments as well as provide a visionary forward view. The lecture series is supported by the Kuwait Programme at ICTP.
Past Salam Distinguished Lectures:
2025: Aleksandra Walczak
- Lecture 1: How personalised is your immune repertoire?
- Lecture 2: Viral—immune co-evolution
- Lecture 3: Optimal immune systems
2024: Stéphane Mallat
- Lecture 1: Energy estimation and data generation by inverse renormalisation group
- Lecture 2: Log-Sobolev stability, wavelets and interaction energies across scales
- Lecture 3: Multiscale neural network models for generation by score diffusion
2023: Sandu Popescu
- Lecture 1: The Smallest Possible Thermal Machines and the Foundations of Thermodynamics
- Lecture 2: Quantum Non-locality and Beyond
- Lecture 3: Multiple-time States and the Flow of Time in Quantum Mechanics
2022: Alessandra Buonanno
- Lecture 1: What Gravitational Waves tell us About the Universe
- Lecture 2: The Making of High-Precision Gravitational Waves
- Lecture 3: Gravitational Waves as Probes of Gravity
2021: David Spergel
- Lecture 1: Our Simple Strange Universe
- Lecture 2: What the Universe's Baby Picture Reveals About Fundamental Physics
- Lecture 3: Determining the Universe's Initial Conditions
2020: Marc Mézard
- Lecture 1: Artificial Intelligence: success, limits, myths, & threats
- Lecture 2: The Spin Glass Cornucopia
- Lecture 3: Statistical Physics of Inference and Machine Learning
2019: Juan Maldacena
- Lecture 1: Quantum mechanics and the geometry of spacetime
- Lecture 2: Toy models for black holes
- Lecture 3: Toy models for black holes (part two)
2018: Alan Guth
- Lecture 1: Inflationary Cosmology: Is Our Universe Part of a Multiverse?
- Lecture 2: Eternal Inflation and its Implications
- Lecture 3: Infinite Phase Space and the Two-Headed Arrow of Time
2017: Sir Michael Berry
- Lecture 1: Superoscillations: Unexpected fine detail and extreme values in mathematics and quantum and wave physics
- Lecture 2: Superoscillations: Unexpected fine detail and extreme values in mathematics and quantum and wave physics
- Lecture 3: Superoscillations: Unexpected fine detail and extreme values in mathematics and quantum and wave physics
2016: Sir Brian Hoskins
2015: Don Zagier
2014: Subir Sachdev
2013: William Bialek
2012: Nima Arkani-Hamed