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Participant making a business pitch during final day of ICTP's Entrepreneurial workshop
Scientists learn business skills at ICTP entrepreneurial workshop
Santhi Kumaran, Dean of the School of Information and Communication Technology at the University of Rwanda
ICTP workshop inspiration for new IoT Center of Excellence in Rwanda
Internet of Things
Challenges and potential at recent workshop
Science, Technology and Innovation
ICTP Diploma alumnus Hussen Seid Endris (center) with ICTP DIrector Fernando Quevedo (left) and ESP scientist Fred Kucharski at the 2010 Diploma graduation ceremony
Back to Africa for an impressive career launch
Earth System Physics
A STEP in the Right Direction
Pakistani student benefits from ICTP PhD enrichment program
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
ICTP's DIrac Medal
ICTP's 2016 Dirac Medal
Welcome to the ICTP Multiverse
New blog offers fresh perspectives on science life
ICTP PhD student Khadim Mbacke War (left) at a math exhibit in Senegal
ICTP mathematicians treat young students to the magic of math
PWF Nepal
ICTP and CERN's physics road show in Nepal
High Energy, Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
ICO/ICTP Prize 2016 recipients Mati Horprathum (left) and Jehan Akbar
Two scientists share this year's ICO/ICTP prize
Science, Technology and Innovation
Where Physical Chemistry Meets Biology
ICTP, Univ. Cambridge interdisciplinary research yields new insights into protein fluorescence
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
Calendar Call-out
Deadline extended for 2017 Scientific Calendar proposals