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The International Beacon Satellite Symposium
Meeting highlights challenges, opportunities of satellite communication and navigation
Science, Technology and Innovation
Mathematician and Breakthrough Prize winner Ian Agol lecturing at ICTP
Breakthrough Prize winner Ian Agol on knots and what to do with a million dollars
ICTP's Expanding Universe
Partner institutes spread ICTP’s mission around the world
Thomas Kibble won ICTP's Dirac Medal in 2013
Thomas Kibble
Ramanujan Prize Winner Announced
2016 award goes to Chinese mathematician
Plate Strain Under Nepal
New research adds to understanding of the great Himalayan earthquakes
Earth System Physics
Trieste Mini Maker Faire 2016 (photo by Massimo Goina)
ICTP holds successful Mini Maker Faire and Trieste's first Science Picnic
Landauer's Principle Tested
ICTP on team measuring heat at a quantum level
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
Winston Wole Soboyejo (left) and ICTP DIrector Fernando Quevedo
Interview with Winston Wole Soboyejo
ICTP DIrector Fernando Quevedo (centre, left) and OFID Director-General Suleiman Jasir Al-Herbish (centre, right) and the Postgraduate Fellows pose with baseball caps donated by OFID
OFID funding supports science in developing world
Molo Audace, Trieste (photo: G. Crozzoli)
PhD scholarships available; 16 June deadline
Ian Agol (photo by Søren Fuglede Jørgensen)
Talk will be livestreamed