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ICTP Postgraduate Diploma student Vahatra Rabodonandrianandraina
Vahatra Rabodonandrianandraina: The Joy of Applied Mathematics
ICTP Postgraduate Diploma student Janak Raj Joshi
Janak Raj Joshi: From Nepal to Italy and beyond
Earth System Physics
Participants of the Hands-On Research in Complex Systems School perform a low-cost, tabletop experiment
ICTP hosts hands-on school for low-cost labs
Zewail (far left) with Nobel Laureates Rudolph Marcus, Walter Kohn and John Nash at ICTP's 40th anniversary celebration (ICTP Photo Archives/Massimo Silvano)
Ahmed Zewail
Science Excellence in South America
ICTP-South American Institute for Fundamental Research among Nature's Rising Stars
Deadline Approaching
ICTP Prize 2016 nominations
2016 Dirac Medallists Announced
Three theoretical physicists share this year's prize
ICTP's Dirac Medal
Ceremony for 2015 Dirac Medallists, and announcement of 2016 recipients, on 8 August
Remembering Paolo Budinich
Trieste exhibit highlights life of ICTP co-founder
Ahmad Salam's speech at the Spirit of Abdus Salam Award
The award recognized three long-term ICTP staff who have reflected Salam's vision and spirit
Math Mates
ICTP mathematics outreach to developing countries
The magnificent frigatebird can exploit thermals to reach 2,500 m altitude and then redescends to the sea
Virtual birds unveil the secrets of thermal soaring
Quantitative Life Sciences