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Project steering committee finalizing training activities. From left: Mike Nxele and Robert Shaw of ITU, and Marco Zennaro and Sandro Radicella of ICTP.
Project to improve wireless networking in Africa
photovoltaic cells
How to use optics, photonics for energy production
Example of a simple openEyA hardware setup.
ICTP aids online learning in developing countries
Physics for the Birds
Giorgio Parisi lecture at ICTP looks at complex, disordered systems
ICTP physicist Erio Tosatti (top right corner) lecturing at nanophysics workshop in Hanoi.
Centre holds nanophysics workshop in Hanoi
Work based on former ICTP Diploma student's thesis
Voice for African physics and astronomy
Researcher from CINVESTAV, Mexico, honoured
ICTP closes for the season's festivities from 24 December to 6 January
ICTP physicist Erio Tosatti (top right corner) lecturing at nanophysics workshop in Hanoi.
Centre holds nanophysics workshop in Hanoi
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
Newsletter highlights Centre's climate-related work
Location of the 27-km LHC tunnel (in blue) on the Swiss-France border. The four main experiments (ALICE, ATLAS, CMS, and LHCb) are located in underground caverns connected to the surface by 50 m to 150 m pits.
Scientists hope collider will unlock mysteries of universe