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ICTP, Italy Research Partnership
Centre signs agreement with Italian National Research Council
ICTP Prize
String theorist from India receives 2010 award
ICTP promoting technology transfer in developing countries
Science for Cultural Heritage is published by World Scientific.
Proceedings from ICTP conference published
ICTP in Space
European Space Agency adopts Centre's ionospheric model
Workshop participants building robots.
Annual workshop for developing countries now in second year
ICTP Malaria Project
EU-funded research looks at climate/health interactions
Support provided for educational webcasting in developing countries
Climate Change and Energy Systems
ICTP-IAEA explore ways to reduce vulnerability of energy systems
Centre, IAEA to establish school of nuclear security for developing countries
Abel Prize 2010 recipient John Tate.
Abel Prize to John T. Tate for path-breaking work
ICTP Assistant Director Seif Randjbar-Daemi giving opening remarks at the Spring School on Superstring Theory and Related Topics.
Annual spring school runs from 22 to 30 March