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Conference on the Role of e-Infrastructures for Climate Change Research
Conference looks at role of e-infrastructure in climate research
Earth System Physics
The Billy Riordan Memorial Clinic, Malawi (above) and Adrian Tomkins running the Trieste Marathon.
ICTP researcher runs for charity
Earth System Physics
Science, Technology and Innovation
Alexander Vilenkin
Alexander Vilenkin explains the new worldview at ICTP colloquium series
High Energy, Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
Stanislav Mikheyev, 1940-2011
High Energy, Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
ICTP Director Fernando Quevedo receives a membership certificate from the ITU Secretary General Hamadoun Touré in Geneva
ICTP, International Telecommunication Union strengthen ties
Science, Technology and Innovation
Erio Tosatti
Joins ranks of Einstein, Oppenheimer and Edison
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
Anton Kashcheyev, CERES fellow from Ukraine
New ionosphere sensing technique being implemented in Africa
Science, Technology and Innovation
ICTP Scientific Council Chair Luciano Maiani (left) and high energy physics scientist Paolo Creminelli
Awards honour contributions to high energy physics
High Energy, Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
Yuguang Shi
Chinese mathematician Yuguang Shi receives the honours
Course director Andrey Varlamov speaking about physics in the kitchen
Joint UNESCO workshop upgrades knowledge, science teaching skills
Seated from left: PI Director Neil Turok and ICTP Director Fernando Quevedo; Standing: Howard Alper, Chair/President, Science, Technology and Innovation Council Canada, and Ambassador Maurizio Serra, Permanent Delegation of Italy to UNESCO.
Memorandum of Understanding to encourage scientific visits and collaborations
Niyazi Serdar Sariciftci
Expert on Photovoltaics at ICTP's Colloquium Series