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Adriano Lucatello
EU WATCH project
ICTP climate researchers contribute to international water assessment
Earth System Physics
Source: Wikimedia Commons, Artist YAMASHITA Makoto
A series of seminars on string theory
High Energy, Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
Two-year appointments begin 2012
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
Alexei Smirnov, senior researcher at ICTP (ICTP Photo Archives/Massimo Silvano)
ICTP senior particle physicist Alexei Smirnov, a neutrino expert, gives perspective to recent…
Alessandro Bertolin (INFN, Padova) gives his talk at ICTP
OPERA researcher explains team's findings on neutrino velocity
High Energy, Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
Shiing-Shen Chern Senior Postdoctoral Fellowship
Researchers' Night 2011
ICTP in Trieste science celebration
The SESAME facility in Jordan
Jordan's synchrotron facility an oasis of discovery
Science, Technology and Innovation
Supernova remnant thought to be a source of cosmic rays. Source: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day
ICTP Colloquium highlights Italian research contribution
 Projecting Climate Impacts
School on modelling targets health, crops and water
Earth System Physics
Abdus Salam: The Dream of Symmetry
New documentary premieres 19 September at ICTP