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From Physicists to Entrepreneurs
Workshop to impart entrepreneurial skills to scientists
ICTP Prize recipient Ado Jorio
Recipient has discovered single nanotube properties
 The structure of CO2-V at 43 GPa. The drawings show the I4 ¯2d struc- ture obtained from the Rietveld refinement using the experimental XRD data.
ICTP scientist and former diploma student authors in PNAS paper
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
Collaboration on Social Networks
Statistical Physics Research Published in PNAS
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
ICTP to Broadcast Lecture Series
Talks by Nima Arkani-Hamed available live, online
Solar panels
Conference highlights solar energy for Africa
Post-Doctoral Fellowships Available
Research Opportunities for Scientists from Central and Eastern Europe
Shyam S. Nandwani (right) receiving his award from the Universidad Nacional, Heredia, Costa Rica
Solar energy researcher cited for promotion of science
Annual research award goes to Turkish scientist
An ICTP-SISSA Training Programme For Extraeuropean Post-Graduate Students
A reconstructed classroom at the Universite d'Etat du Haiti
ICTP building science capacity in Haiti
Earth System Physics
Instituto de Fisica Teorica (IFT-UNESP), the site of ICTP's new South American Institute for Fundamental Research
Centre opens ICTP South American Institute for Fundamental Research