The 2005 ICTP Prize, in honour of Armand Borel, is awarded to Xiaohua Zhu, School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking University, China.
Xiao Hua Zhu is Professor at the School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking University. He has made fundamental contributions to complex differential geometry. He is best-known for his work (joint with G. Tian) on the uniqueness of "Kähler-Ricci solitons". This work introduced a new holomorphic invariant, and also a deep a priori estimate for solutions of certain complex Monge-Ampere equations. This was a major breakthrough in Kahler geometry. Zhu has also to his credit (jointly with X. Wang) an important existence theorem for Kahler-Ricci solitons, as well as impressive results on minimal submanifolds. More recently he has proved an important convergence theorem for the Kähler-Ricci flow, using the spectacular results of Perelman. At 37, he is one of the foremost young Chinese geometers, a mathematician who attacks and solves tough problems in geometric analysis. His excellent papers are published in front-line journals.
The 2005 ICTP Prize is named after Armand Borel, who was a professor at the School of Mathematics at the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton and lectured at ICTP.