ICTP's colloquia series aims to increase interaction between its research groups as well as expose doctoral students to the Centre's rich array of physics and mathematics activities.
Past colloquia can viewed on ICTP's YouTube page.
ICTP's colloquia series aims to increase interaction between its research groups as well as expose doctoral students to the Centre's rich array of physics and mathematics activities.
Past colloquia can viewed on ICTP's YouTube page.
John Russo (Sapienza Università di Roma)
Antonello Scardicchio (ICTP)
Sergei Dubovsky (New York University)
Riccardo Rattazzi (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
Mikhail Feigelman (Nanocenter, Slovenia)
Hélène ESNAULT - Arithmetic Geometry, Freie Universität Berlin
Maria-Andreea Filip (University of Cambridge)
Rainer Weissauer (Universität Heidelberg, Mathematisches Institut)
Meta Virant-Doberlet - Department of organisms and ecosystems research, National Institute of Biology, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Matteo Jugovac (Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
Matthew Walters (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)
Damian Scherlis and Esteban Gadea (University of Buenos Aires)
Edison Z. da Silva (Institute of Physics Gleb Wataghin University of Campinas-UNICAMP-SP-Brazil)
Michael Douglas (Stony Brook University and Harvard University, USA)