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N'Datchoh Evelyne Toure. Source IGACnews
International publication highlights climate workshop, STEP student
Earth System Physics
ground beetle Panagaeus cruxmajor.By Siga (CC-BY-SA-3.0-2.5-2.0-1.0 via Wikimedia Commons)
Cave-dwelling carabids react to climate change
Earth System Physics
Malaria on the Rise
Impact models predict regional increases in disease risks
Earth System Physics
ESP research published in PNAS. (Photo: NASA Goddard)
ICTP in international research published this week by PNAS
Earth System Physics
Professor Vladimir Keilis-Borok (ICTP Photo Archives/Massimo Silvano)
31 July 1921 - 19 October 2013
Earth System Physics
Image of some of the domains CORDEX is studying. Image source: CORDEX website
Scientists from around the world come together to brainstorm on climate change
Earth System Physics
Image of the Sentinel Mission that is developed by the European Space Agency. Image credit: ESA
ICTP hosts conference to build InSAR community of scientists in developing countries
Earth System Physics
Chimene Dalaeu
Diploma Alumna Earns Top UK PhD Award
Earth System Physics
Image Source: NASA Goddard Photo and Video
ICTP schools supported by World Meteorological Organization offer advanced modelling techniques
Earth System Physics
Dynamic Earth Winds. Source: NASA Goddard Photo and Video
Intermediate complexity models can keep things simple and provide robust results
Earth System Physics
Young researchers at ICTP for intensive earthquake and tsunami hazards training
Earth System Physics
Rain clouds (photo: David Flam)
Newly published ICTP research targets uncertainty of satellite precipitation data
Earth System Physics