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Quantum Quest for Sustainable Energy
Solar future lies in atomic scale
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
Dynamical Symmetries for Nanostructures
New book highlights ICTP nanophysics research
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
International School on Nonlinear Dynamics in Complex Systems attracts 115 participants
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
Image Source: Sean McGee Hicks -
Research targets phase transition of superfluids to insulators
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
Image Source Andreas Johannsen:
ICTP workshop focusses on storage, efficiency and affordability
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
Two-year appointments begin 2012
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
Screen shot of ICTP's iTunes U page
Includes free downloads of ICTP lectures, conferences,documentaries
High Energy, Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
Earth System Physics
Science, Technology and Innovation
Workshop participants. Over 100 scientists attended.
Workshop focused on cross-fertilization of ideas from analytical and computational approaches to…
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
Ring tunneling of protons does not violate the Bernal-Fowler rules, which govern the arrangement of atoms in ice. Image courtesy of Roberto Car.
Seminar examined how the molecular structure of water and ice is affected by quantum mechanics
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
Image courtesy of Flickr user James Vaughan
Topics include topological insulators, ultra-cold atoms
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
Participants at the School
ICTP/IAEA joint school looks at the role nuclear technology could play in hydrogen production
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics