ESP Seminar Series 2023/2024
Date Speaker Topic
23 October Alessandro Raganato Tropical to extra-tropical teleconnections
31 October Arthur Prigent Tropic Atlantic variability in OMIP models
7 November Johannes de Leeuw Volcanic ash and SO2 dispersion modeling
14 November Emanuela Pichelli Regional Climate Model applications at km-scale
21 November Zihan Song Formation mechanisms for the Southern Ocean deep winter mixed layers
28 November Chen Lu Attribution of climate extreme events
5 December Cyril Caminade Pandemics, epidemics and environmental change: a complex relationship
12 December Trishneeta Bhattacharya Air-sea CO2 flux parameterizations during tropical cyclones in the Bay of Bengal
30 January Maria Vittoria Guarino Modelling atmospheric gravity waves in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere
6 February Alexis Martin The impact of climate on malaria: a wavelet approach
20 February Waed Abed Detection of High Convective Precipitation Events Using Advanced Machine Learning Methods
27 February Graziela Luzia Addressing the gap between climate and power system modelling
05 March Maria Leidinice Da Silva Evaluation of regional climate model simulations at convection-permitting resolution
12 March Tapajyoti Chakrab Air-Sea Interaction in Low-Pressure Systems over the North Indian Ocean Basin
19 March Michele Petrini (NORCE) On the (ir)reversibility of the Greenland ice sheet under overshoot scenarios
26 March Alejandro Casallas Understanding convective organization and seeking it through observations
9 April Luiza Vargas-Heinz Impact of climate change on the hydrological cycle of the Great Alpine region
24 April Manita Chouksey (IOW) The Balance Conundrum in Geophysical Flows
7 May Erika Coppola Advancements in Machine Learning Techniques for High resolution Climate Emulator
14 May Adrian Tompkins Tropical convection and humidity variability in observations and Nextgems k-scale global models
21 May Kunal Chakraborty Indian Ocean acidification and its driving mechanisms
11 June Giulio Mandorli Detecting patters of of shallow convective organization